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Viewport Functions ​

Viewport Functions can be accessed via the useVueFlow utility or with the VueFlowStore instance provided by onPaneReady.

  • Using Event Hooks (Composable)
<script setup>
import { VueFlow, useVueFlow } from '@vue-flow/core'

const { onPaneReady } = useVueFlow()

// event handler
onPaneReady((instance) => instance.fitView())
  • Using Event Listener
import { VueFlow } from '@vue-flow/core'

export default defineComponent({
  components: { VueFlow },
  data() {
    return {
      instance: null,
  methods: {
    onPaneReady(vueFlowInstance) {
      this.instance = vueFlowInstance
  <VueFlow @pane-ready="onPaneReady" />

project ​

  • Details:

    Transforms pixel coordinates to the internal VueFlow coordinate system.

    This can be used when you drag nodes (from a sidebar for example) and need the internal position on the pane.

  • Example:

vueFlowInstance.project({ x: 100, y: 100 })

fitView ​

  • Details:

    Fits the view port so that all nodes are visible.

    Padding is 0.1 and includeHiddenNodes is false by default.

  • Example:

vueFlowInstance.fitView({ padding: 0.25, includeHiddenNodes: true })

fitBounds ​

  • Details:

    Fits the view port according to the bounds' rect input.

  • Example:


setTransform ​

  • Details:

    Sets position and zoom of the pane.

  • Example:

vueFlowInstance.setTransform({ x: 100, y: 100, zoom: 1.5 })

getTransform ​

  • Details:

    Gets position and zoom of the pane.

zoomIn ​

  • Details:

    Zooms in.

zoomOut ​

  • Details:

    Zooms out.

zoomTo ​

  • Details:

    Zooms to specific level.

getElements ​

  • Details:

    Returns currently stored elements (nodes + edges).

getNodes ​

  • Details:

    Returns currently stored nodes.

getEdges ​

  • Details:

    Returns currently stored edges.

toObject ​

  • Details:

    Returns elements, position and zoom of the current flow state.

  • Example:

toObject = (): {
  elements: FlowElements,
  position: [x, y],
  zoom: scale,

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